so uh, im eventually gonna put in the effort to html-ify this stuff and pretty it all up but right now I just wanna get the words out. that's always been my biggest difficulty, getting the words somewhere extant. somewhere concrete -- digital feels more concrete and permanent than physical things like paper now.
make to-do list
laern haytch tee em ell
Manorpunk 2069 AD
I think 'spec fic' is the term for it. Set in the United States of the year 2069, so that it's never taken too seriously. Cast includes:
Vtuber and De-Facto President Sunny Roosevelt: the role of head-of-state has been increasingly ceremonialized, about time, thank god, etc etc; though did not participate in any official federal election, she won the Vit Board US Branch Supreme Queen Mother-Wife Battle, and the latter sort of gave claim to the former.
Baron Jacob Martin Rider:
Isekai Gentry
Sofiaaaaaaa Newhome.